I have not shopped at Edgars for a very long time. Passing through their store in a mall I spotted shorts on sale and Cliff needed some urgently. My heart soared when I noticed that they were made in South Africa. It is a pity that the fabric comes from China. When I lived in Natal, Frame textiles was a major employer in New Germany. I hope that unions will work with business to ensure more jobs. Increased local manufacture could be the best thing to come out of Covid world wide. Edgars is no longer off my list for clothing options.
Not much else went on during the week, on Friday the school holidays began. I am an adult helper with scouts and because there were girls on our fires and cooking camp I was there as the rules state that a female adult helper must be present when girls attend scouts meetings and events. The scouts organisation teaches the children valuable skills and they have a lot of fun. It is wonderful to watch the children mature and grow as individuals and team players. Duncan gave the children a Wasp action camera and Fjord had fun using it for time lapse videos.
The scouts made their own shelters which even protected them from light rain An alter fire made with notched logs and mud makes for great eye level cooking
Straight from camp we went to Fjord’s Easter Meditations concert with the East Rand Youth Orchestra.