For many years a feral cat has lived in our garden. It was not welcome, I love birds. Cat’s and birds are a recipe for tragedy. This year when we realized that cat is not going to leave, we started to feed it. This cat is a very wild animal, we have never in all the years been able to approach or touch it. Over the past few weeks cat has started to approach me, this week it walked up to me and allowed me to stroke him, even rolling over for a tummy rub. He then followed me briefly into the house. An amazing leap of trust.
Cliff bought waterproof canvas a while ago for me to make a braai cover and lawn mower cover. I put it off because I knew it would be a tricky job. The horrid heavy fabric was a bitch to sew and during the process I was telling it to do all sorts of things that inanimate objects are incapable of, generally starting with “F”. I didn’t get the braai cover quite right and it has a few too many seams as I miscalculated the diameter of the top circle.
The chicks bought for the children 2 weeks ago are growing at an amazing rate, they eat, poop and peep a lot but are really cute. Really hope that they are females who will lay eggs for us.
As always, pottery is my favourite activity. This little Jack ‘o Lantern will look cute glowing with a tea light, he was made with brown clay pinch pot and coils, he is quite dark. Fjord has claimed him and I’m now doing one for Acacia with white clay. Mary showed me how to do the new one on the wheel. I’m exited to see how it turns out. Domi came up with the idea of making mushrooms to keep hair ties tidy, these are a fun project and I will make a few more for children and ladies.

Please remember if you find a fledgling fallen from a nest on the ground, leave it and the parent will continue to feed on the ground. It is not true that parents will reject if you have touched it. Only rescue if the bird is in danger from cats or dogs.

I love your week in pictures’ posts. That is lovely that the cat is getting used to you. We are so fortunate that our cat has never been bothered with birds and loves our budgies. Our animals generally live in harmony with the wild birds to the point that birds get in the house and I have four dogs cowering behind me and a cat who just sits there and I have to get the wild bird out the house. Or the Hadedas eat our KOI and the dogs don’t chase them which makes me mad and I end up being the wild bird chasing lady :).
Your pottery is stunning and I love the hair band mushroom. The compost container has me intrigued – the size and what you put in there.
Glad Floppy is well and that Fjord’s beesting heals up fast and that he isn’t allergic to bees.
Thank you Dianne. How wonderful to have all the animals in harmony. The compost container holds about 2 L, I keep it in the kitchen for veg peelings, tea bags, coffee grounds etc, it’s an in between plan while I’m busy before taking the stuff out to the compost heap in the garden. It seems that Fjord is allergic to bees, he couldn’t walk for 3 days, we have to be very vigilant in future.
Oh no that is awful about Fjord and the bee allergy, you do have to be very careful.
Thanks for the info on the compost container, we haven’t gotten to the compost stage in our gardening as yet. My life is a very slow work in progress and I blink and 10 years have gone by.