Stork custard cookies

Stork Custard Cookies
Stork Custard Cookies

Last night there were no treats in the house, today that had to be remedied.  I saved some Stork recipes on Pinterest and decided to try a new recipe.  The Custard Cookies taste lovely, and the bit of extra work decorating them was worth it, they look so pretty.  The recipe has no eggs which is ideal for Fjord who is allergic to egg.  I didn’t do the royal icing as that contains egg white, instead I did plain old icing sugar and water with a dash of colouring.  Acacia did the sprinkles.  Since they didn’t seem to rise (and don’t really need to), I think next time I will leave out the baking powder as I may have detected the taste of baking powder.  Unfortunately I didn’t have much custard powder, so halved the quantities, they are very moreish so need to buy custard powder and do them again soon.  Acacia loves them and said that she wants them for her next birthday.  I do think that they would make a great alternative to cup cakes to take to school for a birthday.

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