We love to get out at least once over a weekend, if we lurk around the house over weekends it just doesn’t feel like a break from the norm. Visiting Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve is the perfect weekend outing.
We can leave home at mid-day have a picnic or braai and hike and be home before sunset. At the picnic sites near the entrance there are many picnic areas all very separate and secluded.

When doing the game drive Holhoek picnic site is 30km from the main entrance, it takes about an hour to get to. The circular route drive is 60km in total, if you are running late there is an exit gate at Kareekloof which is 10km from Holhoek picnic site. The reserve is home to many wild animals but it is the sense of tranquility which draws me. On our most recent visit we saw numerous antelope, zebra and even black backed jackals on our drive.
There are a few different hiking paths of various lengths, with 2 small children we do the Cheetah trail which is 4.5km. Acacia (aged 2) is carried in the hiking backpack most of the way but she does walk a bit too. This weekend Mum (aged 72) joined us on the hike and loved it too.
Bicycles are allowed and next time we visit, Fjord wants to take his bike.
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