Week ending 6 June 2021

The week was blooming cold, with maximums not over 14 deg C, Gauteng is not for sissies.

Poor wee rain spider out of place and out of season in our kitchen
Brought home this little jug from pottery, unfortunately this jug does not pour as well as it should, good pouring is normally one of my potting super powers
One of my favourite cakes, Angela Day recipe for ginger cake
Acacia has taken on the task of tidying the shelves in her cupboard, 2 down, 2 to go
Half way done and with remarkably less complaining although in the beginning the task seemed almost overwhelming
A short poem for the week
Bribed the children with pancakes to get a bit of cleaning done

It is so long since we have been to Safari nursery in Pretoria that the children had no recollection of being there before and they were in their element. Acacia wants to go there on her birthday and they both didn’t want to leave. I met up with Dr Tros Bekker to do a short Q & A video with him, which is on my Rumble page.

One of many water features at Safari nursery
The network of wonderful ponds and water features at Safari Nursery in Pretoria is so impressive.
Some moments in life shine like sunlight on water. There was a Clivia show on at Safari nursery, The beautiful flowers on display were enchanting. A few steps away from the show area one of the exhibitors from Vrijehof Clivia came up to me and asked us to wait which we did. He returned with a free gift of 2 wonderful plants. We were so taken aback that Cliff almost rudely asked why he was giving them to us. He disappeared back to the show without further ado. These plants will always be a reminder of this surprise generosity.
Winter and humanity can surprise us with splashes of warmth and colour. Thank you again to the kind man from Vrijehof Clivia
On Sunday we did the 11 km Bokmakierie trail hike at Suikerbosrand, toward Acacia earning her cubs hiking badge. The hike took us close to 4 hours and I was very proud of how well the children managed, it was the longest hike that we have done as a family.
Whenever we go out to enjoy nature, Cliff takes along a bag to pick up litter

Here’s a song for the week, or the year or whatever. The last 3 lines are creepy on point

“Take away the right to speak
The lunatics have taken over the asylum take away my point of view
Take away my right to choose”

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