Sometimes the classic old recipes really are the best, I’ve had this one since my teens. What we in South Africa know as crumpets go by a crazy number of names, griddle scones, flapjacks, pancakes and more. It gets very confusing, what we call crunchies the Americans call flapjacks, and so on. Anyway here is my very simple but yummy recipe for what we call Crumpets (well some people use the word crumpet for something entirely non baking related but that’s way off topic).
100 ml sugar
1 Cup (250 ml) flour
1 heaped tsp Baking Powder
2 eggs
125 ml milk
1 Tbs butter or margarine
Mix all dry ingredients together.
Beat egg well, add milk
Melt butter and add to mixture
Heat about 15 ml oil in a non stick frying pan and cook over low heat, turning regularly (tip the less batter that you use per crumpet, the easier they are to turn).
We also love them whether they called crumpets or flap jacks 😀.I must try your recipe. I have a recipe that I always use, but doesn’t make a lot [we are a hungry bunch] and I always mess up when doubling it.
Your first paragraph made me laugh. Just after I got married, I decided to make pancakes and Googled the recipe. The baking powder should have been a giveaway (I only thought about it afterwards) but anyway we ended up with crumpets and not what we South Africans call pancakes (for which I should have Googled crepes).
🙂 It can all get really confusing