Leaving Durban returning home to Jo’burg is never easy. We ease the pain by taking a mosey through the Natal Midlands on our way out. Last week we decided to try a few new places. We drove past 1 or 2 cheese places before deciding to visit Marrakesh Cheese Farm in Rosetta. Our choice was oh so perfect, their cheeses were sublime.
We were greeted by Chris and his wife Sue. While tasting the cheeses Chris told us that originally they made goats milk cheeses but changed to cows milk a while ago. When we asked why, Chris responded “We started this farm with the desire for a quiet life, a farm with 150 goats is not a quiet life.” Fair call. I rather like the fact that they switched from goats to cows because they have experimented and make some traditional goats cheeses with cow’s milk which is interesting and most succesful. The cheese tasting was a treat. The only problem being that I could not choose a favourite, I loved them all. Comparing Marrakesh cheeses to supermarket cheeses is chalk and cheese, oops sorry I’m being cheesy.

We left with halloumi, olive & rosemary chevin (traditionally a goats cheese) and the white and blue, then almost turned back because we wished that we had bought the creamy blue too. So if you’re heading into the Midlands take a cooler box with a few ice bricks, then stop at Marrakesh Cheese Farm. Trust me you’ll be so glad you did. Marrakesh do not sell through any other outlets but I see on their facebook page that they will be at the wonder market in Umhlanga at the end of this month and in Dec, so keep an eye on their page. You can contact them on 084 352 8911 or email marrakesh@dillon.co.za
I love visiting places like these – and adore cheese!
The midlands is a real treasure trove. Thanks for reading
Sounds yummy.