My little girl Acacia loves music and loves to dance. Before turning 4 she repeatedly told us that she want’s to be a ballet girl. Abbey from Top Tots gave me the contact details for Kathleen Webb’s School of Dance, her little girl has attended ballet lessons with Kathleen for some time.
When I was a little girl (way back in the mists of time), I loved the idea of doing ballet, but I did not enjoy ballet classes. I wanted to dance but the rigid old-fashioned way was to spend the entire class doing the steps over and over, it had a rather military feel. While this method encouraged discipline and good posture, a little girl with music in her head just wants to dance like a fairy princess. I felt like a frisky colt on a very tight rein. Kathleen manages to marry the aspect of discipline (which I see as the backbone of ballet) with fun and dance. She interacts with the children with warmth yet firmness and the children clearly love the time spent in her classes. Sometimes she tells stories such as ‘The Frog Prince’ and teaches the children a dance which fits the story. Waiting for Acacia to turn 4 (the starting age at which Kathleen takes pupils) was a good idea. I expected Acacia to hang back and be shy to participate but from the start of her first class she joined in, and loved it. She looks forward to ballet lessons and in the 6 months since starting she has come a long way.
You can contact Kathleen on Cell 073 6172228 or e-mail kwebb@polka.co.za
In Boksburg the classes are held at St John’s Presbyterian church next to the old home affairs on Leeupoort street. Kathleen also teaches Ballet open classes on Fridays at Visions Dance Academy, 138 Northdene Ave, Brakpan
Update – Acacia has been with Kathleen for 3 years now, she has taken part in 2 Eisteddfods and done a RAD exam. I often look at her posture and think that it is thanks to ballet that she holds herself so well. She still loves dancing and gains so much from her lessons.
If you are looking for a music teacher in Boksburg, Acacia goes to piano lessons with John Skinner in Parkdene and he is a wonderful teacher
hi. can I ask, how much will the ballet classes be for a 12year old girl who is a beginner. and how much will the classes cost for me as a mom of that 12year old, I want to do latin, rock n roll, hip hop and ispansula.
Hi please contact Kathleen direct, her details are at the end of this post
Do you have ballet classes for male as well ?
Hi, I am not the teacher, just a parent. You can contact Kathleen directly, her details are at the end of this post
Hi Kathleen
I want to find out do the girls attend any Eisteddfods? If so when and where is an Eisteddfod so I can bring my daughter to watch and see if she is interested in dancing?
Kind regards
Hello yes they do take part. Acacia’s age group got an A last week. Unfortunately the Eisteddfods have just ended so you wouldn’t be able to go and watch but you could contact Kathleen and ask her if your daughter can watch a lesson or take part in a trial lesson. We have been with Kathleen for 3 years happy now.