Expectations are funny old things. I expected less than nothing from Williston in the Karoo and was enchanted. I had great expectations for Ceres and was sorely disappointed. My perception was that Ceres is the fruit capital of South Africa. I envisaged a valley of plenty, brimming with natural abundance. Little short of Disneyesque perfection. I pictured farm stalls selling the sweetest, juiciest fruit. Smiling roadside vendors offering splendid peaches, worthy of a role in James and the Giant Peach. I salivated at the thought of leafy cafes selling freshly squeezed juices. Despite passing many orchards, alas and alack not a farm stall in sight, not a vendor and no garden of Eden café. Instead we drove through a mediocre town, complete with factories and tyre fitment centres, well you get the picture (and it’s not very pretty), not a whiff of Disney.

On the outskirts of town we did stop at Deja Brew (totally cool name) café for tea and cake. I return to the subject of expectations, this is a perfectly adequate establishment but it was competing with idealistic imaginings which had a head start on steroids. It may have scored a few more points if the seating deck faced the mountain behind the building instead of the main road.

A little further on the road toward Cape Town we did pass another café (Tolhuis) which was more in line with my mental picture but I don’t know what the food on offer there was like.
We were also so disappointed in Ceres. We have always wanted to go to Ceres, so knowing we were going to drive through the town coming back home was quite exciting and what a disappointment. Masses of people walking in town and then you out of the town.