Fjord’s 7th birthday cake a stapeliad flower.

Stapeliad flower
Stapeliad flower
The stapeliad cake
The stapeliad cake

I totally love baking but I do not enjoy decorating (primarily because I suck at it).  For Fjord’s 7th birthday he didn’t want a car, or superhero cake, he wanted a stapeliad flower.  Through Cliff he has learned a love of plants and gardening.  His favourite flowers are such boy flowers, they are stinky.  Stapeliads (or carrion plants) have the scent of stuff like rotting meat and dog poo because they are pollinated by flies.

Fjord was in orbit a few weeks ago when one of his stapeliads flowered for the first time, he told me that is what he wants on his birthday cake.  Well I did my best and thankfully he was happy with the result.  Fortunately the cake smelled yummy and not remotely like anything rotten.

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  1. Oh he is a true original thinker. Keep him that way

  2. Wow you sell your self short – the cake looks lovely. Isn’t it too sweet how children have their own ideas and so nice that he is original.

  3. The cake looks amazing. Well done!

  4. Love his choice of cake! Happy birthday Fjord, Sula you have done an excellent job but you’ll need to keep up your skills, lord knows what he’ll ask for next year!

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