Roasted Red Bell Pepper soup

Roast bell pepper soup

Last night my husband made the most incredibly yummy 3 course supper.   Our starter was this Roasted Red Bell Pepper Soup, made from his own recipe.  This may be the most delicious soup that I have tasted.  Lucky you, he agreed to share his recipe.


3 large red peppers
1 tin tomato
1 onion chopped
2 rounded tsp crushed garlic
3 – 4 nice pieces sun-dried tomato
1 cup (250 ml) chicken stock
15 ml Worcester sauce
black pepper
5 ml sugar
30 ml cream
shredded fresh basil


  1. Roast whole bell peppers in the oven at 180° C until soft, turn at regular intervals to prevent burning
  2. peel and deseed
  3. Fry onions and garlic at a low heat in olive oil until soft
  4. Add tomato, chopped roasted pepper, chopped sun-dried tomato and stock – boil then reduce heat to simmer for 25 to 30 minutes
    stir in pepper, sugar, Worcester sauce, cream and basil
  5. Puree with a stick blender or in liquidiser
    garnish with shredded fresh basil

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  1. wow this is a lovely light meal for a person who has radium or chemo naargheid as a chemo patient can barely eat solids and it looks lovely i am going to try this out tonight….

  2. Hope you enjoy the soup Shaun, and that you feel better soon

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