After watching one of many videos inviting people to “Roll up their sleeves” I was struck by the sexual undercurrent to the campaign for vaccination. The more I thought about it the more metaphors screamed for attention. I had flashing mental images of ladies of the night in sultry positions lifting fabric to expose flesh.
Skimming Stones | Sula’s Blog | Sul…
ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES (SEX SELLS) Your screen is like a window On a red light street Lusting eyes lock with yours She doesn't skip a beat Lifting her sleeve As she would hitch a skirt Or unclip a suspender She’s cool and calm demanding surrender “Let’s play master and servant doctor and nurse Bite on the pain It can’t get worse Let’s play Russian roulette Chase the numbness away Let’s live on the edge It’s time to play" Take her hand Touch her skin She knows your desire Bowed submission Will feed her fire Expose your flesh and close your eyes Panting for penetration feel the hypodermic thrust That moment of elation