Today’s writers bootcamp exercise did not come easy, but they got me writing and that’s what counts. There is no wheat without chaff. The topic today is Windows and Doors. I started out writing prose but it was not working so switched to poetry.
Some People are Windows, Some people are Doors
Some people are windows
gazing through glass
Invisible barriers
inhibit free pass
Locked without
or locked within
Psyche trapped
in self wrought prison
Some people are doors
Which slam in life’s face
Wooden and angry
Locked in place
Others are doors flung open
in welcome
Sharing their feast
or very last crumb
Just to show the cramped creative process, I will share the failed prose which I started with and ditched in frustration : Some people are windows. Some people are doors. Both groups have sub categories. The window people who look out and those who look in The outward looking long for what is out of reach. They lack the ability to cross invisible inner barriers to experience life in its fullness. The inward looking window folk focus more on their inner worlds. They lack the insight to see that the self looses its shine when treated like a spoiled child. Eventually the glass collects dust and ego becomes imprisoned, a pacing madman.
They are both so good, but if I had to choose the poetry would win
Thank you Dianne!