I have not written enough poetry of late. I spent some time this morning looking for a group or page offering daily poetry prompts, then decided on a better idea. I have chosen to go through poetry books, pick a title and use that as a prompt. Since reading a full poem first may affect my take on the title …
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Don’t wake me now – poem relating to grief
My 2nd submission to the Avbob poetry competition has also been rejected. Speech Bubbles was my first submission. Still after many hours of work I felt that it succeeded in expressing the aspect of grief after a death which I was working toward. A very important aspect of creativity is always to remain true to yourself and not write what …
Read More »Speech Bubbles – poem
Avbob (the funeral business) are currently running a poetry competition with the theme I Wish I’d said. I’ve entered 2 poems so far and am busy working on a third. I can publish the one below here on my blog now because it was unsuccessful, I’m still puzzling over what they mean by “Unfortunately, your poem did not meet the …
Read More »Give me hope Kathrada (to the tune of give me hope Johanna)
I’ve changed the lyrics of the Eddy Grant anti apartheid protest song Give me Hope Johanna to fit with the mood of today #KathradaMemorial GIVE ME HOPE KATHRADA Well Zuma he runs a country Runs in Nkandla and the treasury He makes a few of his people happy, oh He don’t care about the rest at all. He’s got a …
Read More »Outsider – poem
Although I have become more comfortable with people over time, I often still feel like a misfit and outsider OUTSIDER This glass prison From where I observe not engage with those who get it right social butterflies in flight Envying their colours bright My dull moth wings folded waiting for a flame to ignite
Read More »Thoughts on Leonard Cohen and Longing
The biography of Leonard Cohen I’m Your Man by Sylvie Simmons, is a journey in the shoes of a man of greatness, a man with the ability to capture the elusive in word and song. One word stops me in my circular tracks. That word is ‘longing’. It comes up repeatedly from the title of his poetry book “Book of Longing”, to …
Read More »Friendship, tides and poetry
When I visit Umdloti my friend Karin always comes to meet me at Java Café one morning. We catch up on news and simply enjoy the joy of friendship. After time with Karin I always feel that my mind has been given a good workout. The day before we met, she set the challenge to write a poem about our …
Read More »Finding my way – sort of poem or my attempt at rap lyrics
My son Heath is working hard to get a break in the rap scene. His lyrics are pure genius, he sent me a song by Hopsin to listen to. I then wrote these words to sort of the same beat, I may have gone off track, but only listened once and didn’t want to replay it until this was finished …
Read More »YOUR LOT – POEM
Some days I really don’t know if a poem works or not. Comments below most welcome YOUR LOT Pillars of salt arise from retrospective tears white statues haunting eluding every sense breath blood passion and pain only exist in the now in today Yesterday offers unquenchable thirst Today presents champagne A few hours later the last few lines have been …
Last year I wrote a few poems for submission to be included in the Dragonian Series by Adrienne Woods. One was selected, this is one of the others on the topic of unconditional love. LOVE LIKE RAIN Love like rain gives and gives and gives Without question or condition Falling on undeserving barren ground Feeding the seeds of scattered dreams …
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