There was a lovely sense of balance about my time with Domi and family in Canada. We had the forced chill time of quarantine then a little flurry of fun and activity at the end. It may seem odd that my primary goal of meeting my beautiful and adorable Grand daughter is not recorded in these pictures. When I started my blog I was naive and posted lovely high resolution pictures of my children, until a horrific experience where I discovered that a close up high res picture of my sonś face at about age 5 ended up being shared on a pedophile group, I felt absolutely sick and now protecting my family, particularly children is absolutely paramount. Itś awful that there is such evil in the world as I would love to have a better record of their lives.
I forgot to share this pic with my quarantine post. We had a magic day one Sunday listening to music, building puzzle and chilling. I was seriously jealous of this Ravensburger puzzle storage case and boardAfter struggling to find a restaurant or pub open for seated dining, Duncan took us for lunch at Mill street brewery in Ottawa. I loved the beautiful old buildingOn my first trip to Canada, Domi really wanted to take me to the war museum. The day which we set aside took a different direction. This time plans fell into placeThe Ottawa war museum was really interesting but maybe because current times feel rather like war, a heavy spirit weighed on me. Looking at records and remnants of cruel history felt dark. Still the past cannot be forgotten and we need to remember how delicate the threads of order are so as to strive to maintain the fabric of good, right and harmony. I really can not pin point most of my thoughts and feelings around lockdowns and all the current day madness. I just feel that something is very wrong that goes beyond the virus somehow the people of the world are being led like lambs to the slaughter and small acts which are not in line with the primary narrative give me a warm feeling. I bought a gift for my husband at this store.My cousin Tara is a brilliant artist, I love this painting of hers
I had quite a lot of fun doing clothing shopping for the children, it just so happened that they were suddenly due for quite a lot as what they have is either too small or falling apart.
Duncan took 2 days leave to take me sightseeing, we had a wonderful time in a small town called Perth in Ontario, itś a pity I did not take any pics, it was very quaint with almost a European feel.
Hi Sula,
What a lovely time you having with your family.
That puzzle board and case is just magic. I bought a puzzle the other week, preparing to go into lockdown again (shew, we dodged that one) but haven’t even opened the puzzle, because of the space needed to do it and not wanting “clutter” lying around, that case would be perfect – yea jealous too.
That is horrific about your son’s face on a pedophile site, how did you discover it, now my mind is working a thousand times over, because once something posted online, it’s there forever and I splashed photos of my sons all over online, all deleted now but still.
Interesting analogy, about the war and today’s times. Problem is no one wants to learn from history, they all want to rewrite history and be the main feature in history books.
My son’s opinion is that Covid-19 is proof that today’s generation won’t cope with a war. I also recently read a book based on WW2, mainly of soldiers based in North Africa, one of the worst places to be based, and I am also now, get over Covid seriously, we have it easy, compared to history, the plague, spanish flu, war.
Even saying it from a place of privilege, without job losses, the worst hit now are still not as bad as our grandparents, great grandparents.
Safe travels and enjoy that bundle of precious. Your children are going to love the spoils when you get back.
Hi Dianne always love hearing from you. What happened was I was always very interested in the stats on WordPress, how many views and which posts. One morning I woke up and the views were 10 times more than usual, I followed where clicks came from and it showed a link to a group called boychat or something like that, I followed the link and found the chat thread, which said something like check out this cutie, lovely high res pic¨ I then spent vigorous time pulling posts down, after that I also changed all pics no matter what of to low res. Reading your reply from Frankfurt airport which is way less spooky empty than when I left SA nearly a month ago, I have been here since 7.30am and my flight leaves in about an hour at 10pm. It has been a looooong day! Missing Domi, Paige and Duncan but can´t wait to see Cliff, Fjord and Acacia, sometimes when I spoke to them I missed them so much it hurt. My flight home was delayed by 5 days but it worked perfectly.
Hi Sula,
What a lovely time you having with your family.
That puzzle board and case is just magic. I bought a puzzle the other week, preparing to go into lockdown again (shew, we dodged that one) but haven’t even opened the puzzle, because of the space needed to do it and not wanting “clutter” lying around, that case would be perfect – yea jealous too.
That is horrific about your son’s face on a pedophile site, how did you discover it, now my mind is working a thousand times over, because once something posted online, it’s there forever and I splashed photos of my sons all over online, all deleted now but still.
Interesting analogy, about the war and today’s times. Problem is no one wants to learn from history, they all want to rewrite history and be the main feature in history books.
My son’s opinion is that Covid-19 is proof that today’s generation won’t cope with a war. I also recently read a book based on WW2, mainly of soldiers based in North Africa, one of the worst places to be based, and I am also now, get over Covid seriously, we have it easy, compared to history, the plague, spanish flu, war.
Even saying it from a place of privilege, without job losses, the worst hit now are still not as bad as our grandparents, great grandparents.
Safe travels and enjoy that bundle of precious. Your children are going to love the spoils when you get back.
Hi Dianne always love hearing from you. What happened was I was always very interested in the stats on WordPress, how many views and which posts. One morning I woke up and the views were 10 times more than usual, I followed where clicks came from and it showed a link to a group called boychat or something like that, I followed the link and found the chat thread, which said something like check out this cutie, lovely high res pic¨ I then spent vigorous time pulling posts down, after that I also changed all pics no matter what of to low res. Reading your reply from Frankfurt airport which is way less spooky empty than when I left SA nearly a month ago, I have been here since 7.30am and my flight leaves in about an hour at 10pm. It has been a looooong day! Missing Domi, Paige and Duncan but can´t wait to see Cliff, Fjord and Acacia, sometimes when I spoke to them I missed them so much it hurt. My flight home was delayed by 5 days but it worked perfectly.