Returning from Cape Town in Jan, I made sure that we spent a night in Kimberley for the children to visit the big hole. This man made wonder is at the heart of a place where past and present seem to co-exist. The spirit of adventure rises from the dust. My children (6 & 9) were less interested in the hole than I expected but their imaginations were fueled, and they spent more time scratching in the dirt for possibly overlooked diamonds than taking in their surroundings.

This old electric car in the museum really brought out the conspiracy theorist in me. 100 Years ago there was an electric car! Let me repeat that 100 YEARS, and we’re not all driving them yet???!!!
After visiting the big hole we had lunch at Artistia Foods. Absolutely the BEST value meal we’ve EVER had. They have 1 set meal each day for lunch and supper. Lunch was R35 (Cliff thinks it was R30 but he must be wrong), that was a good helping of Chicken a la King, a juice and a salad. If you’re ever in Kimberley looking for a restaurant to eat at, you can’t go wrong at Artistia. Heck if I lived in Kimberley I’d eat there a few times a week! Artistia is at 159 Dutoitspan road , Belgravia, Kimberley
Although the kids loved our outing, I think they were a teeny bit young to fully appreciate the historical significance of the place and I would like to take them back in about 5 years time.
What horrible service from Artistia today! Asked my assistant to organise lunch for a group of doctors I was teaching at Kimberly hospital. Long story short, we take a stroll to go pick our food and, if possible, enjoy the lovely ambience. I was shocked by the owner’s attitude and demeanour. She literally chased us out like dogs, hyper irritated because her restaurant closes at 2 pm and she wants to lock her gate. She continued to accuse me of not honouring our agreement as she definitely remembered talking to me the day before – obviously confusing me with my assistant. Whatever your name is lady owner at Artisia foods, because of people like you, it’s so difficult to forget the terrible history of our country. God bless your soul.
Such a pity that you had such a bad experience.