Sometimes I want to build a recipe around a certain ingredient. On a visit to Ludwig’s Roses I bought a bottle of Rose essence. I have used the essence to make rose buttercream icing and it is an ingredient in the Angela Day recipe for Coffee and Malted Puff cupcakes, which Cliff declared to be the best cupcakes ever. A long time ago I saw a recipe for a cheesecake decorated with Turkish delight and rose petals, it looked beautiful and I wanted to try it but was put off by the fact that the cheesecake was simply made with a box of cheesecake mix. I eventually got around to creating my own recipe and it has been given the thumbs up by all who sampled it.
This is best made the day before needed to give it good time to set properly. Only add the turkish delight when serving as it does not fare well in the fridge.
*** IMPORTANT NOTE, to prevent the gelatine forming strings all ingredients need to be at room temperature and of an equal temperature when combining. Bring all ingredients from the fridge to room temperature before starting.
200g biscuit crumbs
70g melted butter
220g Cream cheese (or smooth cottage cheese)
250g Marscapone
180ml Castor sugar
3 eggs separated
20ml gelatine
100ml cold water
15 ml rose essence or Rose Water
pinch salt
½ Cup (125 ml) whipped cream
1 or 2 drops pink or red food colouring
± 100 grams turkish delight and rose petals
- Combine biscuits and melted butter in a food processor, press into the base of a springform cake tin lined with baking paper. Chill
- Using an electric beater, whisk the cottage cheese, marscapone, sugar and egg yolks until smooth. Soften the gelatine in cold water and dissolve by placing the container which it is in, into a bowl of boiling water and stir until no longer at all grainy. Do not over-heat!
- Slowly beat into cheese mixture. ** Gelatine and your cheese mixture need to be as close as possible to being the same temperature
- Add Rose essence and a drop or 2 of colouring
- Whisk egg whites stiffly with a pinch of salt and fold in gently with the whipped cream.
- Pour onto the crust and set in the fridge.
- Before serving top with chopped turkish delight and rose petals.
I always love getting feedback about my recipes, when you have tried this, please comment below and tell me if you made any changes.
OMW! This I have to try!!