Oh joy, at last after what feels like an eternity the children are back at school today. They have fallen behind on learning again and really miss the school environment. Relief all round. It felt so good to get through the housework quickly while listening to a Dark Horse podcast on Spotify. I find their content interesting and thought provoking, very smart couple. Today I learned that sleep patterns are influenced by the moon to a degree, interestingly I hardly slept on Saturday night which was full moon.
The last week has been bitterly cold, so grateful to have a warm home and a fireplace. The cold brings with it a degree of inertia, certainly seem to achieve less. I’m reading The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, it’s an enjoyable and very different book. Feels very much created around a concept, sort of feels a bit like Sophie’s World in a way.

My mother loves retelling a story from when I was about 4 years old, it does not depict my character in a favourable light, but we are all made up of good and not so good. I’ll share it with you now. The story goes that Mum took me to a pet store. I stuck my finger through the wires of a hamster cage, the hamster bit me. I didn’t flinch or show any outward sign of pain, instead I sweetly took my mother’s hand in mine and pushed her finger into the cage. I am seeing a lot of what I now call the hamster syndrome in the jabbed, it manifests in a few ways. For example, Cliff is on a small work what’s app group. One weekend a few of them were proudly sharing pics of themselves getting the shot. Days later one of them became very unwell and tested Rona +. Not a peep about that on the what’s app group, Cliff only found out when he was trying to contact said person. Hamster syndrome also manifests (even when no side effects are experienced) when those who have made that choice try to pressure others, maybe a case of “If this takes me out I’m not going down alone”. If this thing works, those who opt for it should believe themselves protected and allow others their freedom of choice. I don’t worry about catching measles because I believe that I’m protected.
In this weeks Rona diary. Thankfully I haven’t heard of any new cases in the last week. Very sadly I found out today that a lovely man (in his late 70’s) who did the e-toll protests with his wife on my team passed away from the awful virus. His wife J is in hospital and I pray that she will pull though, she is a very special person. Another death was a deacon from our church, she too was elderly and spent months of 2019 in hospital with pneumonia, she will be sorely missed. Cliff knows of 5 people at work who have opted for the shot (of course there must be many more but he does not interact with many) , 2 had no side effects, 2 developed pretty bad Covid shortly thereafter. The most tragic was that Wiseman (not real name) fell ill very soon after injection and died, apparently he did not have Covid. I hope that the only item in next week’s Rona diary is the recovery of J.
My video for the week
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