If last week was all about baking, this week was all about fabric. With some baking in between.

The school asked me to tie dye some shirts for the school concert at the same time I made myself a T-shirt to dye. The results were rewarding. You can look at the easy step by step instructions how to tie dye here.

In winter I gave my Mum cut out fabric to paint for me. The plan was a winter nightie for me and winter pj’s for Acacia both with long sleeves. It has taken me ages to get around to putting them together. Converting Acacia’s pj top to a nightie from the same pattern ended up working for the best as I joined the top to the nightie bottom with lace which added a special something.

As the drought continues we seem to have more rain spiders about than rain. The strange thing is that up until my late 20’s I was totally arachnophobic. I remember bursting into tears when a wolf spider ran over my foot at Kariba and even the teeniest spiders had me hyperventilating. Strangely I think domestic violence in a past relationship put spiders into perspective. When you have real shit and a reason to experience raw terror, spiders are pretty cute in comparison. I now see spiders as fly and mozzie killers who play a vital role in the environment.

Acacia’s nighty is adorable. Both you and your mom are so talented.
We have had the most amazing storms every night this week. Storms that I usually hate, but after the drought just welcome and so much rain that we wake up to a muddy garden, instead of the dry dead dust we have become accustomed to.
Mmm, me and spiders, no thank you and the tinier they are, the deadlier. I do, however, get how domestic violence put spiders in perspective for you, but for me, the only safe spider is one far from me. I have the scars to prove it. But yes, if only we could stomp out domestic violence and child and animal abuse as easily, especially with the wave of wife/partner killings in SA.
And those waffles, mouth watering delicious 😄
Funny Domi and I were chatting yesterday, the most rain we’ve had was last night 13 mm, we’ve also had rain every night but more wind and noise than rain. We go outside in the morning and the rain gauge shows just 6 or 7 mm. Domi who lives in your area said that they have had so much more. Still grateful for every drop.
It is crazy and it is not that much of a distance. We don’t have a rain gauge, one of those things I really want but don’t buy, but I have these plastic trays I put in the garden for water for birds and lizzards and they are quite full, with muddy water of course. The good thing is that we don’t have to water at all. Hope it carries on raining and more importantly fills the dams