Unchained – Poem


The unspoken word
That which defies
noun and verb
Thoughts may elude
alphabet chains
Where voice fails
the eye explains

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Rain – poem

If anyone can give me a better title for this poem please let me know.  …


  1. Deep but the when you get to the last 2 lines ‘where voice fails the eye explains’ your manager is standing behind you stop talking I’m communicating with my eyes!!!is eat I get from that

  2. Ursula, this is beautiful. I love the image of alphabet chains.

  3. Powerful words!

  4. I’ve been reading and rereading this since yesterday and everytime I do, a whole lot of thoughts run through my mind. The most pertinent thought right now is to “Savour the unpsoken word”. It’s better to not know at times. Lovely and thought provoking 🙂

  5. So deep yet beautiful and can be interpreted in a way that suits each person differently and personally. You are really very talented

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