A cuddle and the promise of rain – week ending 17 Oct 2021
It is the season for baking Christmas cakes, there are a few lovely people who like me to bake for them and every year I make more than 20. The first step is making ginger preserve which is a vital ingredient. I make 300g. This is the recipe and it is simple and easyI have been wanting to make a back up pottery lasagna dish, I made one a few years ago but think it will be good to have a spare. The first time I used a mould, this one is made from joined rolled slabs. There is a lot which can still go wrong between this stage and the final glazed productThursday was national dessert day. I did not have time to bake anything but sometimes simple is best. My Mum used to make hot chocolate sauce. It is really yummy
30 g butter
20 g cocoa powder
½ tsp vanilla essence
2 Tbs Water
50 g castor sugar
Place all ingredients in a pot and heat gently until the cocoa and sugar have dissolved, do not boil
Fjord had a sore throat. When the children don’t feel well they always say that my herbal teas make them feel better. I have a few Margaret Roberts books which detail the health benefits of herbs and plants. Her lectures were so interesting too. Some of the more savoury herbs such as sage, are excellent but the taste can be harsh. This one is more child friendly.
I don’t weigh or measure the herbs just pick a handful of leaves, wash them and put in boiling water. This is what I used for him this week
Lemon balm (melissa)
Pineapple sage
a knob of ginger sliced
squeeze of lemon
shake of cayenne pepper
1 rooibos tea bag
Miss high days and holidays drew a witch for HalloweenEach of the fish in our pond are known, loved and named. One recently died. We brought home a few cuttlefish for the birds of a family friend who enjoys word play. He very kindly bought this little fishy for the children to replace Storm, the deceased fish. He named it Cuddlewish and it shall be known as Cuddle. Kind gestures make the world go round.Every year when I see this flower in bloom my heart sings, they almost always bloom before first proper rainfalls of spring. When they open, they are not enjoyed for long as heavy rain usually falling within 24 hours, decimates the flowers. I noticed these flowers this morning.
And that’s the end of a cheerful week. Acacia went on a scout camp and loved it although she came home very tired and grumpy. Sadly Fjord missed the camp as he had a sore throat, and it is prudent to stay home when not feeling well.
Only this year I’ve discovered the music of Tom Waits who I’m surprised I did not come across before as his style is very much in line with my taste in music. His lyrics are poetic and his gravelly voice are unpolished and authentic