Some good and some bad this week. I felt joyful to hear that restaurants can open again, the relief of owners and staff must be immense. Cyril’s speech was unclear regarding whether Gauteng is still shut down, now of course Zuma supporters are engaging in anarchy and the roads may be too dangerous anyway, will have to see how things pan out.
Acacia is working on painting facesI’m loving making flat serving plates, normal plates slope too much on the side which makes the food lie at an angle. Going to keep a few and giving a few away as gifts.A jug with the same drippy glaze on a lovely subtle green. I also love making these big jugs which hold about 1L, so useful to make cheese sauce or custard in the microwave. PS I’m always more than happy to make things on commission Quite chuffed with this little light weight first aid kit that I got at Woolworths it was R169 and contains basic bandages, burnshield, and a few other bits and bobsI took the Woolies first aid kit on our Sunday hike. Cliff used a glove from the kit to pick up rubbish including masks and tissues which people had scattered around a benchI bought 2 fan paint brushes when I went to get under glaze at Glazecor. Acacia is having fun with themWe ended the week doing the 10 km hike at Suikerbosrand. Good for mind, body and soul
A manager where Cliff works has been in ICU for several weeks with Covid, sadly he passed away last week. last weekend a group of other staff from his work shared on What’s App that they were being vaccinated over the weekend. Cliff heard on Friday that during the subsequent week one of them was very ill. It was confirmed today that this man has a bad case of Covid. I hope that he makes a swift and full recovery.
Here’s a song for the week. Ah I thought I recognized Robin Williams in the video, double checked and it was him. That takes it from being light and cheerful to poignant