Week ending 22 August 2021

I think a quote from Sorcery, our current Terry Pratchett audio book is a good start. “The truth isn’t easily pinned to a page. In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap and much more difficult to find.”

Acacia went for a hair trim and loved having her hair straightened
I tried out another breakfast option at Elate in Benoni, lovely food and cosy atmosphere
Went to a Protest / Prayer meeting outside the Pretoria Union buildings, this is a 4 min clip of part of the speech by ACDP leader Kenneth Meshoe. Loved the feeling of positive unity
Acacia has wanted to make Ramen for a while, I got around to helping her and this recipe was delicious, will certainly be making more variations
Pulled chicken yummy on a sweet potato with cream cheese

Acacia had to make a model of a house for an LO project. She did the bulk of the work but Cliff could not resist helping and Fjord took great pride in making a little toilet. I covered the couch for her. Hmm I think I preferred when the school had a policy that projects were done at school. The teacher said that parents can help and when that is said then those who don’t get help end up being at a disadvantage.

No trip to see the Namaqualand wild flowers this year but we planted out the seedlings which were sown some time ago.
Hope this helps someone. I got this sms message and ignored it, being ever wary of clicking on links as they are a dangerous route to opening doors to mischief makers. I was also quite certain that I had not subscribed to anything. When I got a 2nd sms about 10 days later, I phoned MTN on 135 and the lady told me that there was indeed a subscription to this which must have been activated by accidentally clicking on an ad possibly in a game on my phone, just clicking on that had activated the scam. She removed it from my account and told me to dial *155# to prevent future subscriptions but this did not work on my phone.

This weeks song is beyond brilliant. Rap not my first choice in listening but WOW!

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