I don’t seem to have many pics for this week, it was less busy than average. The children went to try out Karate lessons and thoroughly enjoyed the classes.

We went to another pro freedom gathering in Edenvale on Saturday. It’s a great way to meet really interesting and colourful people. We chatted with an ear, nose and throat specialist who seems to be a really special human. He recently spent a night in jail after being caught without his papers after attending to a Covid patient after curfew. He had a piece of very valuable advice. He commented how we all wash our bodies and brush our teeth daily and highlighted the value of washing out the nasal passages with saline rinse, he advised that when we see Covid cases rising, to do daily nasal rinses as this is the first point where the virus begins to multiply. Very sadly a young man who was with the protest group took the microphone and shared that after V he almost died and was unconscious for several days, he said that the impact on his body has been devastating. We then did a short walk around the parking area of Meadowdale mall. A lady who was shopping came over to our group and shared over the microphone that a friend of hers recently took the V in order to travel and 2 days later died of a heart attack.

Think I’ll share something notable. You know the conspiracy theories that media and social media are controlled, but of course all conspiracy theories live only in heads covered in tinfoil. Well I barely use Facebook, I go on daily to removed old posts and save what I want to keep. On rare occasions it is useful. I barely comment and have not created a new post in well over a year. About 2 weeks ago I saw that a friend had posted about someone in danger of loosing their job due to V mandates. I commented with links where that person could find legal assistance, giving this link to PANDA (Pandemic data and analytics) and Liberty Fighters Network. This was purely to provide information specifically with regard to a person’s livelihood being threatened. The strangest thing happened since then, I tried to comment on another post, I think it was something on the page of our local community totally unrelated to all the nonsense, I am unable to type in any comment block, for a few days since then I’ve tested it now and then. I can type in the search block on FB but I cannot type in the post or comment blocks, it is simply impossible, no matter what keys I press the block remains blank. The more this sort of thing happens the more certain I am that the levels of control and manipulation are utterly sinister.
On Saturday night we went to visit our friend Gavin for a braai. He played this really visceral piece of music by a Mongolian group called The Hu. Pretty powerful stuff