The Secret History has been on my reading list for a few years since my husband recommended it. I have also seen it on a few top 100 book lists and it is most deserving to be there. I was a little apprehensive when I saw that the book is dedicated to Bret Easton Ellis as ‘American Psycho’ is my …
Read More »Late Motherhood
I guess it’s easier to keep up with thoughts typing but there’s something special about pen and paper. The 2 poems below are for the poetry competition which I reblogged earlier this month, they had to contain the words dusk and / or dawn. I’m not sure which is better so submitted both. I struggled with this challenge for days …
Read More »I love my e reader – Prestigio PER3274B
Ever since e readers came out I have wanted one. Since all electronics come down in price after a while I decided to wait before getting one. This year before my birthday I made some very unsubtle hints to my husband regarding what I wanted. He bought me a Prestigio PER3274B e reader from CNA (pity they don’t have them …
Read More »Snow Hunt 2012
Two natural events make me want to hop in a car and head off on a spontaneous trip. One is when Augrabies falls is in flood. The Orange River in South Africa runs through desert and arid areas , every few years it floods and results in the transformation of Augrabies falls into an awe inspiring spectacle of nature. The …
Read More »Danielle Steel – Bungalow 2
I always said that I would never read a Danielle Steel book and made it to 44 without reading one. Back in the early 90’s I had a married friend who wanted a relationship like those depicted in Danielle Steel books and left her husband on that quest. I was very wary of this. I know a guy in his …
Read More »The Alexandria Quartet – Lawrence Durrell
It is daunting to write a review about ‘The Alexander Quartet’, it’s rather like photographing a sunset, you have to be there. At the beginning of 2000 I was given a copy of the Waterstone’s top 100 Books of the century list. At that point I had read 20 something of the books on the list and set a goal …
Read More »Jelly Oranges
I love tradition and keeping family traditions going. Yesterday was my son’s 5th birthday, one thing which I did for his party was Jelly oranges. My Croatian Grandmother Ursula (who I was named after) made these for her 7 children, and my Mum made them for every party which she gave me as a child. Kids love them, they are …
Read More »Political correctness is insulting
I have a big problem with political correctness, in my view it highlights differences more than anything. It also creates stress and tension as people have become afraid to address others in case they get it wrong. In South Africa most white South Africans have a deep sense of shame due to Apartheid even though most of us did not …
Read More »My Russell Hobbs bread maker
The day that my bread maker was unpacked was a great one in more ways than one. I had my own bun in the oven and labour started the night before this acquisition. I had wanted a bread maker for a few years but had heard many friends say that it was a white elephant and that they hardly used …
Read More »Gum disease / periodontal disease
I wrote this post over a month ago naming my previous dentist and first sent a draft to him as I wanted him to know the trauma that he had caused me. His response was a letter of demand from his lawyers which prohibited me from posting with his name. When you move to a new town one of the …
Read More »For Karin
I like the view From the balcony of her mind waves of thought glinting reflections sense of light sense of right Dolphin ideas surface for seconds fleeting glimpses of another world soul searches blue beyond for another trace of almost imagined perfect fluid thought her white sailed truth untethered by sea or sky I leave with a sense of sunlight …
Read More »Working Mum vs Stay at home Mum
One word which I would use to describe myself is independent. I was a single mother from 1992 when my eldest son was 1 year old until I re-married in 2005. Times were often tough but I raised my children without a husband. I was a responsible employee and I owned my own home. I took pride in fending for …
Read More »The pursuit of wisdom
My dull winged moth thoughts circle light in dumb pursuit until singed husk falls broken a meager sacrifice beneath the goal of brilliant understanding I would prefer Leopard cognisance Solid muscle stalking truth to pounce with purpose and consume still pulsing food of knowledge When this ‘poem’ was first bouncing in my head. I was going to use a butterfly …
Read More »Fjord’s Allergies and what I wish we had known
When our son Fjord was 7 months old we first discovered that he had some allergies. On the first occasion I gave him a teeny taste of strawberry yogurt, immediately his face was covered in hives. The initial question was ‘Is it the strawberry or the milk in the yogurt’? Soon after that we had a mystery reaction, he had …
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